27/09/2018 by David Højelsen
Forget Native Apps, SMBs Should Focus on The Mobile Web
From smartphones to tablets, mobile devices are increasingly dominating the time consumers spend consuming digital media. And it’s really no surprise – we all know it was already in 2015 that mobile search surpassed desktop searches.
In certain emerging markets, like Indonesia, they’ve completely skipped desktop adoption and pressed fast forward on mobile-first with 91% of digital time spent on mobile. But what are consumers really doing on their mobile devices? And more importantly, how can small and medium businesses (SMBs) take advantage in order to drive more business?
Mobile App Usage is Skyrocketing
Recent estimates show that in 2018 the average US adult will spend an average of three hours and 35 minutes per day on their mobile devices, and 90% of that time will be spent in mobile apps. Business owners know that consumers are increasingly mobile first and that Google continues to push mobile-indexing — so they need to take action if they want to grow online. But what can SMBs do to ensure a strong mobile-first strategy?
This is an excerpt of the original article posted on the Tech Adoption Index Blog on Sep 27, 2018. To read the full blog post, visit the Tech Adoption Index blog.